9 Secret Ways To Find Trending Topics For Blog

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All the new bloggers know how difficult to cater to the interest of visitors by writing engaging content on trending topics that are very tough. A tremendous number of blogs get published on the internet on a daily basis which creates competition and taking the trendy blog ideas that can bring traffic to your blog and make skyrocket your revenue is complex to find. So this article will give you 9 ways to find trending topics for blogs that will make your writing easy. 

Why do you need to Know The Ways To Find Trending Topics For Blog?

You can only generate traffic as well as revenue if you are catering to the needs of people. Most beginners do the mistake of writing the topics randomly or in general articles which becomes tough to rank because already there are millions of articles that are ranking on the same topics. 

So the trendy and interesting topic can grab the attention of people if you are using proper copywriting skills in headings and initial paragraphs. There are the following reasons you must write the most popular blog topics given below:-

  1. To get huge traffic to your blog or website
  2. The more traffic will the more money you can generate
  3. Multiple ways of making money by monetizing your traffic
  4. Getting ranked on general topics also because of high domain authority
  5. More engagement with your website 
  6. Easy to convert audience using trending topics
  7. Easy to rank your blog with less effort.

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How to find trending topics for the blog?

Now come to the main question which is how to find trending topics in your niche. That is a challenge for every blogger but we showed the 9 ways to find trending topics for your blog given below:-

Google Trend:-

Since the Google trend is Google’s product so it is the first and foremost way to find the trending topics for your blog. All the queries are generated on the most popular search engine and the AI of Google knows the most popular queries that it shows on Google trends. You just have to put the topic with short tail keywords in your niche and you will get a full detailed overview of trendy searches that will help you to choose the right topic that you can write around.


Quora is one of the most popular question-and-answer sites where people come up with the questions and other people respond who are experts and have knowledge and experience about the topics. When you will visit the Quora site then you will get a tab of top stories where you will get an idea of trending topics and you can write your content around those topics.


I know you would think that we are talking about how to find topics for blog posts or how to come up with blog topics not about creating youtube videos still why am I mentioning the youtube platform for finding the most popular blog topics? Well, if people will always search for trending topics and you can get the idea of trending topics from any platform youtube is the best platform because you will get a lot of ideas for your blog post by visiting the trending tab on the youtube website or application. 


You all know that in this digital age, social media has a wide impact, and many people spend most of their time watching short videos or content on social media. And Buzzsumo will help you to find the trending topics on social media i.e. blog topics that get shared more on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and many other social media handles. You just have to put the keyword or topic in Buzzsumo and you can easily get analytics about social sharing.

Top News Channels:-

You can pick the top new channel websites with high domain authority according to your niche and start exploring the trending section. These news channels have hired many professional and experienced content writers who write blog posts for them on daily basis by doing deep research about the latest and trendy topics. You just have to visit these sites and without doing a lot of effort, just enter your keyword in the search bar and you will get the latest news related to your topic and you can write blog posts around those topics.

Facebook  Video feed:-

The impact of Facebook is less than other platforms because of the complex interface but people use Facebook to get aware of the latest news. Now audiences are shifting to other social media platforms like Instagram, Youtube, and other simple UI & UX platforms but still people watch Facebook video feed because they will only get the latest and trending videos on Facebook. When you will open the Facebook video feed then you do not need to explore more because you will start getting ideas to write the most popular blog topics. You can also join the most popular new groups and pages based on your blog niches so that you can daily get ideas on what’s going on trend.


Reddit is also a Question and Answer site that help people to solve their problems by questioning and answering. It is an alternative to the Quora forum but you will get awesome topics for your blog post. You just have to search for the topics and you will get a lot of questions regarding the topic in the tab section, you can choose the hot section which means the questions are trending right now and it would beneficial for you to write on.


Treednly is the same as the Google trends but in an enhanced way. You can see the trends on Google because it is Google’s product but Treendly is a third party that more focus on user experience and will help you to come up with the latest blog topics.

Google Keyword Planner:-

Google Keyword planner is the favorite free tool for bloggers and beginners because it is so simple and easy to use. You can put the base keywords and can know the volume and a lot more things. But the main use is to retrieve the data by putting the website link as well as short tail keywords so you can find the most popular blog topics.

Source: Ahrefs

I know it is a complex and time-consuming process to find the trending topics but keeping the visitors engaged on your website is also vital. So We shared these 9 ways to find trending topics for blogs that are Google trends, Quora, Youtube, Buzzsumo, Top News Channels, Facebook Video Feed, Reddit, Treendly, and Google Keyword Planner and you can use one two, or three to get trendy topics for your blog post.

Alok Kumar Badatia

Alok Kumar Badatia

Alok Kumar Badatia is Asia's No. 1 Digital Marketing Coach & Consultant, helping students, job seekers, freelancers, and business owners in their digital marketing success. He is based out of Bangalore and has 15+ years of experience in the digital marketing industry.

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