5 Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase Online Presence [Instantly]

Digital Marketing Strategies to increase Online Presence

In this digital era where technology is developing every day, we need Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase our Online Presence because all our potential prospects are on digital devices all the time.

 It has become very crucial to increase the online presence of small businesses these days. 

There is great importance in being online. It helps us to build a strong presence and facilitate our marketing journey. It makes it much easier for any business to build trust and market their product and services.

As business owners, we must know Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase our Online Presence to get the maximum benefit from it.

Read the Statistic for businesses going online

As per the report of Wordstream, between the years 2020 and 2021, there was a 14% growth rate recorded in digital marketing budget spending across different businesses and the numbers increased every year.

And 49% of businesses say that organic search helps them to get their best ROI. 72% percent of their marketing budget is allocated to digital channels. 

The Role of Digital Marketing in Enhancing the online presence

There are very few specific channels where our buyers are present, like social media, search engines, or video consumption platforms.

Yes, these channels are specific but have millions of users there. And we have already learned that all our users are active on digital media these days. 

It is not that easy to target your potential customer all the time. So comes the need for digital marketing.

It helps in finding potential customers and nurturing them to convert the ideal customer to a very potential client.

In this article, we will be talking about Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase Online Presence for small businesses.

And if you’re a business owner then it will a game-changing framework to boost your business growth.

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Website Optimization

“Don’t say that you own a business without a website”. A website plays a very crucial role to increase the credibility of any business. There are two main factors of Website Optimisation that can increase your online presence:

1. User Experience and Design

When we talk about Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase Online Presence, especially for small businesses online presence strategy then user-friendly website plays a very important role in building an online presence for small business

Being online means appearing before your potential buyers. And if your online presence is not good enough then you’ll be losing at big numbers.

Most users access the website through their mobile devices, so we must optimize our website to be user-friendly and mobile-friendly.

Your website must have clear navigation options and an intuitive layout to make it easy for your potential clients to navigate things easily.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is another effective technique used to take advantage of online presence for a business. SEO comes among the best Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase Online Presence

And if we want to sell our product and services online or want to build an online presence then SEO is a must equipment.

SEO is the quickest way to show your customer if you are a small business and looking for a small business online presence strategy.

Understanding SEO and using it with proper planning can increase the online presence of small businesses. Many local businesses these days are using SEO to get organic potential clients for their business.

To take advantage of online presence for a business, we must do the proper keyword research that best suits the products and services we are offering.

While doing SEO, you must seek the potential transactional and informational keywords to convert your audience into visitors and then nurture them to offer you products/services.

Other Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase Online Presence that come within SEO are On-page SEO and off-page SEO.

In On-page SEO, we do the optimization within the website. Like Keywords optimization on posts/pages, content writing, and website design (also known as technical SEO).

And generally, Off-page SEO is all about the optimization outside the website. Like link creation, Guest posting, and many more.

All these tactics are used to increase the online presence of small businesses.

Content Marketing to Increase Online Presence

 As we all have understood how things are going digital, it’s important for us to market our products and services directly or indirectly through content. 

Because people consume content 24×7 in forms of textual like blogs or articles online, graphical on Instagram or other social platforms, and video content on YouTube, or different OTT platforms.

This simple process is known as content marketing.

1. High-Quality Content Creation

Content marketing focus on creating content for social media and other marketing channels. But what matters the most is quality and relevant content. 

To take advantage of online presence for a business, you just need to create over-promising content with valuable insight for your customers.

It means we need engaging blog posts, articles, and attractive visuals that deliver actual value and adds benefits to our customer’s life.

Especially while creating videos, make them more attractive and engaging using overlays, sound effects, and transitions.

Also, we need to take care of keywords while writing content. Must ensure that the content is SEO optimized to better reach our audience.

The evergreen Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase Online Presence is Creating High-Quality Content.

2. Social Media Marketing

Social Media is something that takes most of our audience’s retention.

And leveraging social media platforms to increase brand visibility is the most effective Digital Marketing Strategy to increase Online Presence for small businesses.

To take advantage of online presence for a business, we need to create content for social media platforms.

But the different platforms have an audience with a different psychology.

 While creating content, you need to make sure that you plan different content for different platforms because the mindset is not the same. 

Most freelancers only focus on creating content but only true marketers know that engaging with our audience is equally important.

Adding value to our content is complementary but engaging with our community members to build brand loyalty is supplementary yet equally important to get the benefits of online presence for business.

But before choosing any platform for marketing, you must know the audience’s psychology, the need of the business from content marketing, and their objective, then choose the platform to get result-oriented output from it.

Email Marketing

We have already talked about website optimization and social media marketing. Their main objective is to build an online presence for any business.

Email is something that nobody wants to share due to privacy. And with the help of a website or social media, if we can get into their email, our marketing would become more effective.

1. Building an Email List

Building an email list is one of the best Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase the Online Presence of small businesses.

It will help you to develop a targeted email list where you can communicate effectively and freely.

There are various ways of capturing an email, like newsletter subscription, lead magnet, pop-up form, etc.

Hence, now many small businesses are using email marketing to increase their online presence for small business.

 2. Personalized Email Campaigns

Yes, through email we can do personalized marketing to our audience.

In an email, we can segment our audiences according to their behavior and target them with personalized emails.

We must notice that most of the emails we received are personalized and this increases the email opening rate.

Only email helps us to do this level of personalization. 

Digital Marketing Strategies to increase Online Presence

The three major benefits of using email marketing to increase online presence for small businesses are:

  • Direct and personalized messaging.
  • Targeted audience segmentation.
  • You can nurture customer relationships.
  • High conversion rates.
  • You can directly enter their mailbox without distraction.

So, these were the major reasons that let email marketing get listed among the list of Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase Online Presence for small businesses.

And this proved to be more effective if it’s used properly.

Influencer Marketing for a better online presence

Influencer marketing is another important factor that helps small business to increase their online presence in the market. There are two aspects of influencer marketing:

1. Identifying Relevant Influencers

Identification of relevant influencers from the market is the crucial step in Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase the Online Presence of small businesses. 

Before approaching any influencer, we must understand the target audience of their niche. This is the most important decision-making step. 

After identification of their target audience, it’s time to find the relevant influencer who communicates better with its audience. 

Now, we need to check their authenticity and engagement rates because the main objective is to run sponsored content through these influencers to get maximum and relevant reach.

2. Collaborating with Influencers

Once the identification is done, now we should approach influencers for partnership or sponsored content.

Here we need to create mutually beneficial relationships with the influencers to get maximum return on investment.

Now measure the impact of the influencer on the campaign. If everything looks good then continue the collaboration or else, evaluate it from the beginning.

For many industries, influencer marketing proved to be among the Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase the Online Presence of any business.

Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is the core of digital marketing.

When the organic methods don’t bring effective results, paid advertisement comes into play and is known among the best Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase Online Presence for small businesses.

1. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

When we talk about SEM, then Pay-per-Click (PPC) advertising plays a vital role here. It saves lots of time and helps to create brand awareness for any business.

But it is very risky. If you want to create an online presence then you need to do the keyword research properly to get the maximum ROI from it.

Apart from keyword research, you need to know your ideal customer profile, their behaviors, like, dislike, interest, demographics, and many more.

Also, you need to create a search engine-friendly landing page to make sure that your visitors are converted to your products and services.

And the only strategy you need to reach a maximum audience through paid advertisement is very strong research about your product and targeted audience.

2. Display Advertising and Remarketing

Most brands use display ads just to increase their brand exposure. If it is used properly then you can get the best output from it, in terms of brand awareness.

Another important strategy used in paid advertisement is remarketing.

Here they target the audience who had previously interacted with our ads. They retarget them to convert them into potential clients.

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Final Thought

In this article, we have talked about and covered almost all the aspects of marketing.

We learned in depth about Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase Online Presence for small businesses and the advantages of online presence for a business

 This article covers the major strategies that aligned with the core of marketing. Whatever strategies we have talked about here are all about three things: Deep Research, Understanding the business/audience, and Better Optimisation.

And if you are planning a digital marketing strategy for your small business then make sure that everything you plan must align with these above points.

I hope that this blog has helped you to gain deep insight into the strategies we need for our strong online presence.

Alok Kumar Badatia

Alok Kumar Badatia

Alok Kumar Badatia is Asia's No. 1 Digital Marketing Coach & Consultant, helping students, job seekers, freelancers, and business owners in their digital marketing success. He is based out of Bangalore and has 15+ years of experience in the digital marketing industry.

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